Gene Ween

7/11/2001 (Wednesday)

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John and Peter's, New Hope, Pennsylvania

Now I'm Freaking Out, I Don't Want to Leave You on the Farm, Boing, She Wanted to Leave, Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy), Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brain, Back to Basom, The Golden Eel, She's Your Baby, Beacon Light, Flutes of Chi, I'm Holding You (unfinished), Birthday Boy
- Gene Ween solo
- opened for Instant Death
- 4 brownbase users attended this show

Explain Stats

  • LTP = Last Time Played
  • SSL = Shows Since Last
  • TPB = Times Played Before
  • NTP = Next Time Played
  • SUN = Shows Until Next
  • TPA = Times Played After
  • TTP = Total Times Played
  • -SSL and SUN do not include shows with no setlist
  • -TPB, TPA and TTP do not include teases or incompletes

Setlist Stats

Column Sort
Set Position#Song TitleLast Time PlayedLTPShows Since LastSSLTimes Played BeforeTPBNext Time PlayedNTPShows Until NextSUNTimes Played AfterTPATotal Times PlayedTTP
7Back to Basom - Weenlast played : 04-05-2001(3 shows ago)times played before: 72next played: 08-03-2001(2 shows after)times played after : 87total times played : 160
10Beacon Light - Weenlast played : 07-20-2000(33 shows ago)times played before: 9next played: 08-18-2001(5 shows after)times played after : 73total times played : 83
12Birthday Boy - Weenlast played : 04-03-2001(5 shows ago)times played before: 69next played: 08-17-2001(4 shows after)times played after : 125total times played : 195
3Boing - Weenlast played : 11-08-1994(351 shows ago)times played before: 17next played: 07-27-2002(39 shows after)times played after : 19total times played : 37
5Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy) - Weenlast played : 04-06-2001(2 shows ago)times played before: 310next played: 08-03-2001(2 shows after)times played after : 187total times played : 498
11Flutes of Chi - Weenlast played : 04-02-2001(6 shows ago)times played before: 15next played: 07-28-2001(1 show after)times played after : 94total times played : 110
6Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brain - Weenlast played : 03-29-2001(9 shows ago)times played before: 27next played: 08-18-2001(5 shows after)times played after : 96total times played : 124
2I Don't Want to Leave You on the Farm - Weenlast played : 08-07-1999(112 shows ago)times played before: 10next played: 08-15-2009(331 shows after)times played after : 61total times played : 72
-I'm Holding You - Ween (unfinished)last played : 10-27-1996(238 shows ago)times played before: 34next played: 10-16-2004(151 shows after)times played after : 17total times played : 51
1Now I'm Freaking Out - Weenlast played : 06-30-2001(1 show ago)times played before: 52next played: 08-04-2001(3 shows after)times played after : 69total times played : 122
4She Wanted to Leave - Weenlast played : 04-05-2001(3 shows ago)times played before: 88next played: 08-04-2001(3 shows after)times played after : 154total times played : 243
9She's Your Baby - Weenlast played : 04-03-2001(5 shows ago)times played before: 5next played: 08-27-2001(10 shows after)times played after : 108total times played : 114
8The Golden Eel - Weenlast played : 04-06-2001(2 shows ago)times played before: 155next played: 08-04-2001(3 shows after)times played after : 200total times played : 356

Songs Debuted


Misc Stats

Previous Show06-30-2001
(11 days before)
Repeats of Prev Show1 song
Avg Shows Since Last44.3
Avg Times Played Before69.1
Next Show07-28-2001
(17 days after)
Repeats at Next Show1 song
Avg Shows Until Next34.0
Avg Times Played After106.1
Avg Total Times Played176.2

This Day in Ween History

Dean Ween Group07-11-2018


archive.orgtype: download, streamingformat: flac16, mp3source: Sonic Studios micstaper: unknown